10 Giant Dog Breeds Over 100 Pounds
They say less is more, but that isn't always the case when it comes to choosing your dog! A giant dog might seem intimidating, but these furry friends can provide plenty of love. Here are a few popular and lesser-known giant dog breeds, and what you should know before getting one.
#1: English Mastiff

Height: 28–36 inches
Weight: 120–230 pounds
It may be no surprise that this noble giant was once cheered on by tens of thousands inside a filled Colosseum back in ancient Rome. Today, the English Mastiff can grow to an average size of 200 pounds, which is like having a giant panda or a newborn elephant in your living room!
Even though they take up space, English Mastiffs still make excellent dogs for apartments. Due to their low-energy personalities in adulthood, Mastiffs do not require rigorous exercise and should be content with a simple walk around the neighborhood.
The English Mastiff's coat only needs occasional brushing, so a tool such as a curry brush is a great choice for grooming the breed's short, smooth coat. However, those adorable wrinkles all over their heads should be kept clean and dry to help prevent bacterial or fungal buildup.
#2: Great Dane
Weight: 99–200 pounds
These legs were made for walking! The Great Dane is a descendent of English Mastiff and Irish Wolfhound crossbreeding, which explains the breed's enormous figure. According to Guinness World Records, a Dane named Zeus (fitting for a giant) grew to be a record-breaking 3.5 feet tall!
Considered the tallest dog breed in the world, the Great Dane is an excellent option for someone who enjoys long, leisurely strolls with their companion.
Great Danes typically have a smooth coat that can come in one of six different colors, including the popular black-and-white "harlequin" patchwork pattern.
#3: Bernese Mountain Dog
Height: 23–28 inches
Weight: 80–110 pounds
The huggable Bernese Mountain Dog (also known as a "Berner") was named after the area in Switzerland where the breed hails: Berna. Believed to have been praised for their guard-dog skills on farms, the Berner is now more of a family-friendly snuggle buddy.
While Berners don't require extensive daily exercise, their comfort in nature and adaptability to multiple climates make them great hiking dogs. Just don't be fooled if you think this pup looks like a black bear from a distance!
With a thick double coat that sheds, these dogs do require frequent grooming. Brushing with a dematting and deshedding tool several times a week will help remove dead hair and allow for healthy, new growth.
#4: St. Bernard
Height: 26–35 inches
Weight: 120–180 pounds
You may recognize this furry friend from the 90s film, Beethoven, but in real life the lovable St. Bernard isn't typically known for its Hollywood career. Named after the Great St. Bernard Hospice in Switzerland, these laid-back working dogs were originally bred to help guard hospice patients, assist monks, and eventually become search-and-rescue dogs in the mountains.
As a giant dog breed with fast-growing bodies, St. Bernards can suffer from joint and bone problems, so it is important they are not overworked. Slower-paced walks and other moderate exercise routines will help keep them feeling their best.
While St. Bernards only shed twice a year, they are prone to drooling, so be prepared to clean your pup's mouth often.
#5: Newfoundland

Height: 25–28 inches
Weight: 100–180 pounds
Have you ever wished for a giant lap dog? Well, then the Newfoundland is perfect for you! Nicknamed the "Newfie," these gentle giants have a deep history with the sea. As invaluable assistants to fishermen, the Newfie's duties once included hauling in nets, carrying boat lines, and rescuing anyone who fell overboard.
Today the Newfie still loves water. Plus, swimming is an excellent low-impact exercise option for dogs who are susceptible to joint conditions.
Their thick, water-repellant coats need regular brushing to keep them looking good. Plus, there's nothing like a fluffy and clean Newfoundland to snuggle with at the end of the day!
Related: 20 Dogs That Swim (& 20 Fun Facts About Them!)
#6: Great Pyrenees

Height: 26–32 inches
Weight: 80–120 pounds
Great is right! Originally bred as livestock guardians in France, the Great Pyrenees were taken to King Louis XIV to serve as guards for the Chateaux. The King loved his furry friend so much that he declared the "Patou" the Royal Dog of France.
These former farm dogs remain quite protective by nature and continue to be very vocal pups. While the Pyre is not particularly playful, it will use its energy to watch over your home day and night.
Occasionally bathing with a whitening shampoo is an excellent way to keep the coat looking bright and fit for a king.
#7: Anatolian Shepherd

Height: 28–32 inches
Weight: 88–140 pounds
The Anatolian Shepherd has a history just as grand as they are! Dating back to the Bronze Age in ancient Anatolia, this shepherd descends from some of the oldest known domestic-canine bloodlines. Despite its long history, the Anatolian Shepherd is a newer breed to the U.S., having only made their way across the globe in the 1970s.
Like most shepherds, the Anatolian is trained to be a guardian for their "flock," whether that be farm animals or family members. Spending as much time outdoors as possible is a great way for them to burn off any excess energy in an environment they feel at home in.
Regular bathing and brushing will help prevent the Anatolian Shepherd's medium coat from matting.
#8: Irish Wolfhound

Height: 32–35 inches
Weight: 115–180 pounds
Although once famous for its ability to hunt wolves (hence the name), the Irish Wolfhound is a sweet and sensitive companion for any family! Often praised for their loyalty and affection, this giant has been unreliable in a "guard dog" role as they are historically too friendly around strangers.
While Irish Wolfhounds need a more active lifestyle to prevent boredom, exercising their mind is just as important as their body. A powerful chew toy will entertain this pup and encourage positive chewing habits.
Grooming wire hair coats can be a more involved process, but a thorough brushing once a week will keep your fur pal looking and feeling their best.
#9: Boerboel
Weight: 120–170 pounds
Stemming from both Afrikaans and Dutch languages, the Boerboel (pronounced "boo-r-bull") translates to "farmer's dog." Talk about a fitting name for a breed originally bred to protect homesteads in South Africa from predators!
The Boerboel is an athletic breed that requires extensive interactive play, preferably with an experienced pet parent. This dog loves to be outside, so long walks through nature or obedience training outdoors are perfect ways to build a special bond with your four-legged friend!
While their coat is shorter, this giant dog breed does require weekly brushing to help reduce shedding.
#10: Leonberger

Height: 26–31 inches
Weight: 90–170 pounds
While lions are not native to Germany, this "Leo" is! In fact, it is said the Leonberger was intentionally bred to emulate the lion-crest of Leonberg, their home city.
This working dog loves to play! A few hours of light exercise, in addition to playtime, will keep this pup happy and calm throughout the day, so be sure to have a variety of fun dog play toys on hand.
Taming the Leonberger's luscious mane requires daily care. In addition to frequent baths, brushing will help smooth out tangles before they become more stubborn mats. Their thick double coats can also get hot quickly, so it is important to limit activity to cooler areas.
Big Love!
Once you have everything needed to welcome your new pup, you will be ready to make memories together in no time (and don't forget that your big dog needs BIG chew toys!) Whether you are looking for a super-sized cuddle buddy or your next adventure companion, there is nothing quite like a giant dog to help fill your giant heart!